Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) 2025-2026

The Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) scholarship is funded by the Government of Canada and it allows students from post-secondary institutions located in Latin America and the Caribbean to participate in short-term exchange opportunities for study or research in Canadian post-secondary institutions. The winners will be able to conduct a research stay of 4 months in Canada.
- Please read this website carefully and this document to make sure that you are eligible for this program before applying.
- Applicants must be a full-time student at UTEC at the time of application, as well as, before and during the research activity.
- Applicants who have one or more serious disciplinary sanctions or suspension, academic risk and/or have outstanding debts at UTEC, are not eligible for this program.
- If you would like to validate this internship with the course “Proyecto pre-profesional (Real Life Experience - RLE)” at UTEC, please read the guidelines here.
UTEC's Internal Application Deadline: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Apply here: https://bit.ly/ELAP25-26_UTECForm
UTEC’s Internal Application Deadline | Delivery of Proof of full-time enrolment by UTEC | University of Alberta’s Internal Application Form Deadline | University of Alberta will submit the applications to the Canadian Government |
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 |
Friday, February 28, 2025 (Estimated Date) |
Thursday, March 6, 2025 | March 18, 2025, 11:59 p.m. EDT. |
Application Process
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Important Links
Step 1
STEP 1: Find a Host Professor/Supervisor at the University of Alberta
If all Eligibility criteria is met, the research internship candidate must find a willing UAlberta host supervisor and work with the host supervisor to determine a mutually agreed upon research project and duration based on the scholarship that is being applied for.
The University of Alberta is willing and able to receive ELAP applications from eligible candidates. Please review their website for more information regarding their Important Dates and How to Apply.
To identify potential host professors at the University of Alberta for ELAP-funded research interns, search by faculty and research area on the different University of Alberta faculty websites or by Professors, Associate Professors, or Assistant Professors using this Department Listing.
The UTEC student must contact the University of Alberta Host Professor and obtain an invitation letter. This is one of the documents that must be submitted on the UTEC’s application form by the internal deadline of Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Due to the short application cycle timelines, late applications will not be accepted.
Step 2
STEP 2: Submit your application at UTEC to obtain the “proof of full-time enrollment”
How to obtain the Proof of full-time enrolment for the ELAP scholarship?
Once the UTEC student has received the invitation letter from the Canadian Supervisor, they must gather the required supporting documents to proceed with the online application at the Internationalization Office at UTEC.
Supporting documents: These documents must be uploaded and attached to the online application form as a .pdf. Each document must be smaller than 5 MB
●Unofficial transcript of records: It can be downloaded from the UTEC EDU System (a good academic standing must be reflected with a GPA minimum of 13.00).
●Proof of citizenship:
- - A copy of the candidate's passport with valid dates
- - Documents not accepted as proof of citizenship are: driver’s license, permanent residence card, work permit, student card, health card, birth certificate or baptismal certificate
- - Proof of citizenship selected must be from the same country/territory as the citizenship selected in the online application form
● Letter of invitation from the Canadian supervisor (maximum one page):
- - Maximum one page
- - Written in English or French
- - Written and signed by Letter from the University of Alberta host professor (Canadian supervisor)
- - On official letterhead
- - Dated within the last six months
- - Should describe the nature and scope of the research collaboration with the student’s home institution
- - Confirms their willingness to support and mentor the candidate during the research stay period
- Explains how the Canadian institution, supervisor and peers will benefit from the exchange
● Letter of intent from the candidate (maximum one page):
- - Dated within the last six months
- - Written in English
- - Explains the nature of studies or research to be undertaken
- - Provides rationale for study in Canada and for the choice of institution, program and supervisor and how the proposed program of study or research will relate to their future career
● Letter of support from the home institution (maximum one page):
- - Maximum one page
- - This letter cannot be a generic support letter.
- - It must be from the candidate's instructor, professor or international director
- - On official letterhead
- - Dated within the last six months
- Explains the nature of study or research to be undertaken in Canada and how the candidate and the home institution will benefit from this scholarship program
● Proof of English Language Proficiency:
- - TOEFL ITP with a score of at least 543 or higher
- - TOEFL iBT with a score of at least 72
- - IELTS (Academic) score of 5.5 or higher
- - Duolingo with a score of at least 120 or higher
- - Cambridge C1 Advanced
- Note: Certificates older than two years will not be considered.
Proof of Full-time Enrolment from the home institution
The Proof of full-time enrolment is a special letter for this program (ELAP Scholarship) delivered by the Internationalization Office to the UTEC student’s “applicants” who have uploaded all the requested documents and who are eligible for this program. This document will be delivered on Friday, February 28, 2025 (estimated date) if the student is eligible for this program and has uploaded all the required documents before the deadline.
Deadline to complete the form: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (23:59 hrs - Lima Time)
Note: The submitted document must be original and redacted by each student. Any suspicion of plagiarism between the current candidates or candidates of other scholarships (current or older) will be reported to the disciplinary committee.
Step 3
STEP 3: Submit your documents through University of Alberta's platform
Once the UTEC student has received the Proof of full-time enrolment from the Internationalization Office at UTEC, they must apply to the ELAP Scholarship through the link of the University of Alberta.
All applications for a research experience must be submitted through Horizons, the University of Alberta's platform for research internship applications, by the University of Alberta’s internal deadline of Thursday, March 6, 2025. Please note, the Horizons application form online is not open yet. It will open on or before February 19, 2025 in order to collect application materials for your submission by the U of A deadline of Thursday, March 6, 2025.
Applicants are advised not to attempt accessing Horizons or create a new user account at this time, as the application system is still being finalized. In the meantime, individuals can take preparatory steps for their applications, such as gathering required documents and arranging for translations. Further updates will be provided once the database is available.
University of Alberta Deadline: Thursday, March 6, 2025
- - If a document is not in English or French, an official translation by a professional translator must be provided. It does not need to be a certified translation.
- - Incomplete applications and unsolicited documents emailed outside of the application will NOT be submitted to Global Affairs Canada.
- Supporting documents must be uploaded and attached to the online application form as a .pdf. Each document must be smaller than 5 MB in order for the application to upload successfully. Applicants are responsible for submitting the appropriate format and size of their file attachments to University of Alberta International to ensure a complete, eligible application can be submitted on their behalf.
Important Links
UTEC’s Application Form:
University of Alberta’s website (Eligibility, Important Dates and How to Apply):
Listing of possible Host Professors:
By Faculty: https://www.ualberta.ca/faculties/index.html
By Department Listing: https://apps.ualberta.ca/directory/departments
About the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program:
For further information, please contact our office at international@utec.edu.pe
Do you want to apply to another Canadian University?
Contact our office at international@utec.edu.pe