Collaborative Online International Learning
Since the semester 2021-2 we promote the Collaborative Online International Learning - COIL methodology. This methodology allows teachers and students from different cultures to come together to learn, discuss and collaborate as part of their class. Teachers work together to design the experience, and students group together to complete designed activities.
Our first COIL experience in UTEC was Eficiencia Energética térmica, course taught by professor José Ramos from Energy Engineering department that join professor John Sheffield from Purdue University to design a COIL project about Hydrogen where they coordinated 12 join sessions with them and each group of students to explore this project.
We have received the following courser proposal from UDD to develope COIL join courses in these topics from August to December 2023:
Environmental Monitoring and Diagnosis:
Description: What are the main environmental challenges of modern times? We will learn to think about them in an interdisciplinary and holistic way. We will look at how we monitor, study and protect the environment . What can we do with this data and how can we communicate what needs to be done to help the environment? Possible activities: Faculty will plan them together around the topic
Language: English | Date: Septiember/October | Faculty: Engineering
How we face the world´s environmental challenges:
Description: In this class we will learn about today´s more important environmental challenges and their causes. We will identify environmental impacts derived from food, energy and industrial production, look at soil, water and air pollution and learn about the issues of deforestation, waste and recycling. The global environmental situation is at a crisis point and we need to learn how legislation, collaboration, education can help to protect it, as well as more grass-roots citizen science and activism. Possible activities: Think of a theoretical green business idea that could help to educate about or solve an environmental challenge
Language: English | Date: Septiember/October | Faculty: Engineering
Taller de Modelamiento de Procesos: En este trabajo conjunto, llevaremos a cabo un caso real de análisis, utilizando empresas reales, a través de las cuales, los equipos multiculturales (formados por alumnos de ambas universidades) deberán pasar por el proceso DMAIC (con herramientas específicas en cada una de sus etapas) y así proponer y desarrollar Planes de Mejoras en dichas empresas. Este proceso tendrá una duración de 5 semanas y finalizado este tiempo, los equipos tendrán que defender sus Planes y justificarlos ante la comisión formada por los profesores del curso. Será una instancia colaborativa que se verá potenciada con el uso de MIRÓ como plataforma de desarrollo de cada uno de los proyectos. Fecha: Junio. Facultad de Ingeniería.
If you are interested in develope a COIL course with UDD please contact us: