Delegation of Portugal Polytechnics Universities visit Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología and TECSUP, as part of growth their international network in the framework of the Erasumus Project

On Monday, November 14, 2022, we received at our UTEC campus a delegation of 7, out of 15 Portugal Polytechnics Universities that came to Latin America as part of the Erasmus project: Portugal Polytechnics International Network (PPIN), which main purpose was sharing knowledge and training on foreign markets, creating a in-person internationalization network, as well as identifying needs and desires of Portugueses enterprise in the region to bring together Portuguese polytechnic higher education and the business world closer through a network of Ambassadors.
The agenda of activities began with a meeting between the Portugal Polytechnics authorities: Mrs. Maria João Pinto Cardoso, Pró-Presidente and Mrs. Dulce Carolina Camilo Caetano, Coordenadora do GRI of the Politécnico de Coimbra; Mr. Carlos Rodrigues, Presidente, Mrs. Ana Paula Vale, Vice-Presidente and Mr. Hugo Delgado, Técnico Superior of the Politécnico de Viana do Castelo; Mrs. Maria José D'Ascensão, Pró-Presidente of the Politécnico de Portalegre; Mrs. Rosa Moreira, Coordenadora do GRI and Mrs. Paula Margarida, Técnica Superior of the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra; Mr. Mário Mendes Morais, Técnico Superior and Mrs. Florbela Lages Antunes Rodrigues, Professora of the Politécnico da Guarda; Mrs. Anabela Rodrigues Lourenço Martins, Pró-Presidente of the Politécnico de Bragança and Mrs. Raquel Pereira, Pró-Presidente, Politécnico do Porto and UTEC authorities: Mr. Jose Santivañez, Dean of the School of Engineering and Interim Dean of the School of Computing, Mr. Enrique Stiglich, Dean of the School of Business and the Graduate School and Mrs. Mónica Santa-María, Director of the Research Office, where in addition to exploring opportunities for joint collaboration at the academic level of mobility and research, we had the opportunity to share UTEC's educational offering, visit the UTEC’s labs and learn about the work that has been developed by UTEC Ventures.
On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, the meeting continued in the TECSUP campus, where the authorities of the Portugal Polytechnics Universities talk about the PPIN project and the opportunities of collaboration to the TECSUP authorities: Mr. Juan Manuel Garcia, General Director; Mr. Antonio Lazo de la Vega, National Academic Director and Mr. Jorge Bastante Pazos, Director of Quality and Educational Innovation.
This space allowed them to visit the TECSUP facilities, its labs and deliver a talk about study opportunities in Portugal for TECSUP students.
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